March 23, 2010
So, it was dinner time, last night, and since Miss J, being the food hound that she is, didn't eat, I was pretty sure we would have babies in the AM.
About 6 AM, she started barking, I took her outside, knew that she was about to whelp, took her back in the house, and within 20 minutes she popped out the first precious Rottie pup.
Now, at first, she really wasn't sure what to do.....but, once I cleaned one off for her, she got the message, and after that, she took care to clean each one.
Around 10 AM or so, she had had 8 pups, and I thought she was finished...nope, before it was over, she would have 3 more.
However, as often happens, a few of the pups didn't survive. We lost three, 2 girls and one boy. But.....and, that is a big but.....She still has 8 pups.....
Here are some pictures: